
a flattering moment.

As a color-obsessed fashion student and graphic designer, I am easily amused with all that Pantone is about. Since the moment I discovered their company in my visual design class, I have followed their seasonal palettes religiously. How incredible is it that one company can have so much pull in the fashion industry? It really is awe-worthy.

I got word of a contest that Pantone/Art.com and Pinterest were hosting which involved using one of their photos as inspiration and coming up with 10 other images that went well with that photo. Each photo incorporated a shade of Emerald, of course. Moments before, I had just posted my favorite ways to wear Emerald on here and saw the ideal opportunity that was right in front of me. I went ahead and uploaded those images to Pinterest and called it a day.

While doing my routine checking in to see if they had announced any winners, I came across the most amazing thing ever to exist: Pantone repinned my moodboards. To say I was overjoyed would simply be an understatement. I immediately called home and quickly tried to put my excitement into words but mostly consisted of repeating "I'm freaking out." This was a moment I will treasure forever; it was simply too wonderful not to share.

Here they are repinned onto Pantone Color's "Color Palettes" board!

They even made the cover of the board! Ahh!

There is a 99% chance I will frame this and keep it forever on my nightstand. Or at least make it my desktop background for a while... 
A million thanks to Pantone ColorI am truly flattered.

In Kate Spade's words, "live colorfully!"
