It's that time of year again. Finals week: the everlasting eternity of a week that tests your limits of focus, patience and caffeine intake. The only thing keeping me sane is my overwhelming collection of Missoni office supplies, including folders to categorize notes, freshly sharpened pencils to take the exams, post-its for flagging important pages, a mug to hold my latte, the list goes on and on. On my few and far between study breaks, I've madly pinned everything I can get my mouse on on Pinterest, cuddled with our adorable kitten (shown off below), and painted my nails forest green with my polish from as a reminder to myself that Christmas is right around the corner. (To do: Decorating and presents and baking... oh my!) Half of my courses this semester are actually very interesting (since I am finally getting into my major, Retail Merchandising & Product Development) and the material is (almost) enjoyable to study for. I can tell you all there is to know about textiles and the many elements of visual design--I'd further elaborate, but my nail polish is dry/time's up... back to studying...
She insists on helping me study. So loyal.
What's the first thing you reward yourself with during a study break or after a stressful time? An hour-long massage? Godiva chocolates? Perhaps a fabulous wardrobe-update for some retail therapy?