So this is it! I've been attempting to create one of these for quite a while, but never seemed to make time for it. My inspiration came from Dominio Magazine, the September issue of 2008, page 65, to be exact. I visited Jenny Gordy's blog, http://wikstenmade.com/. She had updates referring to her store. This immediately caused an epiphany for me, seeing as I was recently hired at Lavished, http://shoplavished.com/, a couture boutique located next to Panera (for now). From now on, every Saturday of mine will be spent in the lovely Lavished from 9 a.m. til 6 p.m., from open until close! I figured what a perfect opportunity to document this key period in my life! My first job, my first true step toward my dream of working in the fashion industry, my first opportunity for major connections, my first dress was constructed, as shown above, and much more. I feel ulitamtely mature, and I only wish high school and college could be over with and I would be living in NYC in my stylish apartment pursuing my dream. It will happen, give me about 8 years. Life is good right now. I'm focusing incredibly on my schoolwork. I have goals for college. Right now I'm looking into the Fashion Program at FSU. Please note the appropriately colored dress, FSU colors and all. We sell that Gypsy 05 (all organic, colors made from plant dyes) maxi dress at Lavished. Also in solids, the mustard yellow. They go fast! That is all for now, I'm thinking about making a delicious salad for lunch. Here's what appeals:
Lettuce-in-a-bag with spinach leaves,
cherry tomatoes,
black olives,
cheese chunks,
green pepper,
red pepper,
red onion (looks purple to me),
with olive oil viniagrette dressing,
all over a personal pizza crust.
Tasty & delicious!
I'll post my new hair idea later.