Here I am, sipping my latte, breathing in the addictive and contagious scent of a luxurious Volcano candle, sitting in my houndstooth-covered desk chair, unfortunately catering to my unhealthy and awkward sleep schedule. But at least I am writing again!
Since I've been up here at FSU, I have not had that many opportunities to shop! And as they say, you really never know what you have until it's gone. We have some amazing stores, little boutiques such as Cole Couture and Urban Thread, but still the amount of money I have to spend is basically nonexistent at this point, making it mostly a window shopping experience. It is tough not shopping on a weekly basis, or having the Mall at Millenia or Downtown Lake Mary shopping at my fingertips... but it has forced me to think outside the box if I still want my dose of trends and fashion. Therefore, I have been burying my nose in all the fab fashion magazines! Vogue, Elle, InStyle, Cosmo, Nylon, Glamour... you name it, I have it... and I've torn it to pieces. The other day, I bought my very first "inspiration book" since living in Tallahassee! I am overly excited to fill it with inspirational magazine clippings and catchy quotes and phrases. So, I have been madly ripping out everything and anything that catches my eye from these magazines. Whether it be a hair style, an entire look, a spread/layout idea, or a lovely set design, I've torn it out, and it will go in it's appropriate place in my book. I have also found some amazing inspirational tidbits that I feel I shouldn't keep to myself!
Here is what I have compiled:
First, a couple of my own thoughts on living a lovely life:
Feel beautiful. Always. It doesn't matter what it takes to get there. Everyone has the capability of feeling beautiful in sweatpants and a t-shirt. It's all in your mind. Your attitude. Your confidence. Live confidently; live beautifully.
Stay inspired. Surround yourself with a clean and clear environment. Don't let your desk fill up with clutter. Have the proper lighting--some natural, some soft. Make an inspiration board and hang it near your workspace. Fill it with anything that makes you smile. A quick glance at that can change your attitude. I have a DIY ribbon board filled with pictures of my friends and family. I am slowly adding in inspirational clippings as I find them. My fab friend and penpal, Steph, recently sent me an amazing full page picture of Garavani Valentino sitting in his luxe home which is filled with art and a zebra print chair! That will definitely be making the cut to be on the board! Speaking of snail mail, I have a compilation of every letter or card I have received since being at college. It serves as a reminder to keep writing. I currently have two letters I have finished writing and need to send out. Guess it's working so far... :) Do whatever it takes, but always stay inspired.
Get lost in a good book. I have always dreaded reading the required books for a class and therefore these boring novels have shaped my attitude toward reading in general--aka not something I enjoy doing. Recently, after spending some time laying out on Landis Green (on my leopard towel, accompanied by Slightly Stoopid, my Ray Bans, latte, and fashion mags, as shown above) have been motivated to go get an interesting book to get lost in. During a spontaneous trip to Borders Bookstore, I managed to come across a book who's cover caught my eye. I had seen it featured in many magazines before, and recognized the flashy lime green and electric pink ensemble. Sure enough, it was "Eccentric Glamour" written by Simon Doonan, and it was a keeper! I am about halfway through now, and it is hysterical! Doonan writes with humor, wit, and a hint of sarcasm--just my style! I highly recommend treating yourself to reading it!
Indulge in a luxury candle, and only light it when you are in a good mood. This scent will then be the designated scent to trigger your happy place. Mine is the Volcano candle, available at Cole Couture and Anthropologie. I first smelled it in Anthropologie, one of my happy places, and the scent stuck with me. I later was graced with it's presence when I went to visit my sister, Becca, in her house in Gainesville. She had the candle lit and as soon as I turned the corner to walk down the hallway, I was overwhelmed with its amazing smell. This happened every time I passed through, once with Caitlin, and again with Colleen, Ashton, and Mackenzie, and also with Hannah. Since then, we have all been individually obsessed/possessed to buy one for our own humble abodes. Ashton lit one in her apartment, and got an abundance of compliments from everyone who walked in last night to celebrate her birthday with her. I have one in my room on my desk. Caitlin immediately went out and purchased one for her dorm room as well. They are dangerously contagious, and delectably delicious!
Now to the research-based tidbits I have pulled from magazine articles:
Green is your color. Even if you thought you could never pull off a Kelly Green ensemble, think again! At 96%, Green is the number one color to trigger happiness when seen. Yellow is a close second at 94%, followed by blue, orange, red, purple, white, black (at only 19%), and finally a sad 7% for grey. Whether on clothes or home decor, go green! (Above is my Lavished Kelly Green top featured in last night's outfit! I'm putting this into action!)
Practice PDA! Hug your friends when you see them and again when you depart."According to research, students who gave five squeezes a day were happier than nonhuggers were." -Cosmo
Hold hands with your man! This motion is found to have a wonderfully "calming effect on both of you." -Cosmo, again!
Although it pains me to even write this, it is more beneficial to splurge on a massage versus a pair of sky-high stilettos or a fab clutch. "The relaxation you get from the range of pressure lasts longer than the fleeting joy you experience from material goods." -Good ole Cosmo
Pause your life once in a while--or at least pause your movie. Studies resulted in people enjoying their movies more when they stopped periodically and got up to grab a refreshment or stretch. Feel free to interrupt...
Rub and scratch your scalp in the area by your temples when shampooing. Cosmo says that area is packed with nerve endings and it will relax you.
A fun one (from Cosmo, duh): Have lunch with your friends or coworkers. Every hour you spend socializing (up to six) increases your happiness by up to 5 percent!
Treat your feet to a cushion in bottom of those sky-high stilettos you told yourself you weren't going to buy. Hey, at least it'll save you money on the massage since you'll be oh-so-comfortable!
A personal fave: Don't be shy; lock eyes with that sexy guy at the gym you've been cautiously avoiding as you linger on the eliptical. By making eye contact with an attractive man, you will activate your brain's reward center! Talk about a rewarding experience... definitely look into that one.
I read this little passage in Glamour Magazine in the October 2010 issue, and it's mostly-relatable appeal stuck with me. This is quoted directly:
Hey, it's okay! 1. To count candy corn as a vegetable. 2. To have your first "I love you" to him be an accidental "Love you, bye." 3. Not to buy soap, jelly beans, batteries, and shampoo you don't need just so you don't walk up to the counter holding only a pregnancy test. The checkout guy is not going to call your mother. 4. To high-five a complete stranger who's wearing your team's gear. 5. To hate the word "manscaping" but insist on it all the same. 6. To believe in ghosts, gremlins and alien abductions, if only to explain the mysterious disappearance of your 527th black umbrella.
A final tip for taking the time to transform your once stressful life into a serene and inspirational success:
Okay Negative Nancy, this one's for you! When you have a negative thought, close your eyes. Keep them closed and tilt your head back so you are looking straight above you. This motion is calming and effective, and it is known to rid your mind of negative thoughts!
I can only hope you are fleeing your current scene and running out to change your life accordingly. Go green, look up for positivity, support PDA.... and feel beautiful while doing it!
K. Rene